Thursday, November 25, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

busy, busy, busy

I have been so stinkin' busy!  I am going to Weber State full time, half of which is online and completely on my own.  I also just started a CNA class on the weekends 10 hours each day.  Luckily I am "Miss Prepared" and have all my christmas shopping done and wrapped, thats right I'm an over achiever. 

While I have been busy and stressed out Miss Payten has become very naughty.  Her new game is hitting a scratching and when you grab her hands to stop her she head butts you.  Then when you put her down she chases the dog around head butting him.  Even when you yell at her she laughs then pulls your hair.

One week left of classes then hopefully I find a job and am able to work out a workable schedule.  Next semester I am taking Chemistry and Microbiology with lab online and Pathophysiology with lab and a computer class on campus.

My poor husband has been neglected and will continue to be so for a couple more years then hopefully we will be able to afford leisure time together.