Thursday, December 30, 2010


Next semester starts Monday!  At least I finally figured out what I am actually doing now.  If I schedule everything right I should have my BS in Microbiology with a Chemistry minor in 3 more semesters.  Then hopefully on to PA school. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

And so it begins

*before I begin the story everyone must know that Payten can go up and down stairs well and has been for a couple months.

I knew tantrums and power struggles were coming but I did not think that it would be this soon.  She is only 16 months old!  She has thrown tantrums before but it is usually over pretty quickly.  Not today.  We had just gotten dressed upstairs in our room and were about to go downstairs to have breakfast.  Something, not sure what, provoked Payten to get in her fit throwing position (sitting with face on the ground) and proceed to scream.  I was not going to give in.  I waited and gave her plenty of opportunities to get up and ask me please to carry her downstairs.  She, however, was not giving in either.  So I went down and had my breakfast.  I did go check on her frequently to see if she had changed her mind with no such luck.
Finally after this went on for 50 minutes she decided to come down and grace us with her presence. 

This is going to be a hard couple of years with both of us being SO stubborn.

On another note, Camille gave Payten her first haircut.  We just buzzed it all to a uniform length.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Where did the time go?

Christmas is next week!!  I have all my shopping done and wrapped and I am completely ready but I just can't believe it has come so quickly.
We just got back from visiting family in Idaho which was great!  
I just took my state CNA test and will hopefully start working soon.
We have had a great 2010 and are looking forward to 2011!

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

busy, busy, busy

I have been so stinkin' busy!  I am going to Weber State full time, half of which is online and completely on my own.  I also just started a CNA class on the weekends 10 hours each day.  Luckily I am "Miss Prepared" and have all my christmas shopping done and wrapped, thats right I'm an over achiever. 

While I have been busy and stressed out Miss Payten has become very naughty.  Her new game is hitting a scratching and when you grab her hands to stop her she head butts you.  Then when you put her down she chases the dog around head butting him.  Even when you yell at her she laughs then pulls your hair.

One week left of classes then hopefully I find a job and am able to work out a workable schedule.  Next semester I am taking Chemistry and Microbiology with lab online and Pathophysiology with lab and a computer class on campus.

My poor husband has been neglected and will continue to be so for a couple more years then hopefully we will be able to afford leisure time together.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Finally Welcome to My World!

This has been our family car for several months...pretty reliable huh.  It's consuming our lives!
Payten doesn't just mess around, she is serious about cake!
Silly Payten peeking out the window from a pile of my school books.
My boys, Axel(dog) and Brett, on a typical. afternoon
Yep, be jealous, this is what I get to wake up to everyday.
Oh yeah and this picture was taken by himself from the seat of the toilet.  Just thought you should know.
She was teething and wouldn't sleep; what else was I supposed to do?
Watchin' the first Bronco's game!

Dinasour park with Aunties!

Well that's us, the Badley's, and what we do.  WELCOME!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Have a broken computer that my dad is taking his sweet time to fix.
Have a teething baby.
Have at least 100 pages to read everyday for classes.
Have a car on jacks in garage trying to put in a new transmission.
Husband starving for attention.

Reasons I haven't written any new blogs or spent time personalizing my page.
Promise to get to it soon.  For now this will have to do.

ps i have a hard time coming up with creative titles so some updates won't have titles.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Grow up already

So I decided that I am no longer going to be my husband's mother.  It is time for him to remember where his keys and cell phone are, put his own shoes away, and make decisions without asking me about every little thing.  He doesn't even know his own cell phone number or social security number without asking me.  He also puts things in the most random places and expects me to know where everything is.  DRIVES ME CRAZY!

Anyways, Payten has found the stash of peanut m&ms at our house.  I keep catching her in the drawer with handfulls and a mouthful of m&ms.  Then when I try to take them from her she runs away from me thinking that she is pretty sneaky. 

Pretty Relatable

After much nagging from family I have decided to start a blog.  Ok, it wasn't really that much nagging; my boredom got the best of me.  I also decided that I am pretty relatable.  So here is a blog from a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a student, and of course just a 21 year old having fun.